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The Significance of Trees to the Ineluctable Demise of Man


Written By: Miguel Genavia

    Trees, we are aware of their vital role in our planet, the purpose of their creation to sustain life, a source of food for the consumption of every living species that exist, and one of the wonderful things that make our world liveable and distinct than any other heavenly bodies in the universe. Who doesn't love trees? Everyone does, but what upsets me is that we all know the aid it provides to our well-being and for a nation's economic utility, yet, many are still complacent and uninformed about their depletion across the globe because of the vast and rapid rise of industrialization and I firmly believe that we are not ignorant of its repercussions. I just hope that authorities, the legislative branch of our government, as well as ourselves, will take this matter sorely for us not to jeopardize the welfare of the next generations. This is just to make emphasize its importance and functional attributes, what I want to impart to you is how my love of nature made me appreciate and see these trees in a metaphorical sense that gave me an apprehension of the representation and their significance in various aspects of life, including Death. 

    To die is a reality that is difficult to comprehend, accept and converse about for a person who clings to this life and doesn't have something to look forward to after their death. Different denominations, religious organizations, inherited philosophies from ancestors have diverse interpretations regarding the afterlife, however, I choose to believe in Christ's doctrines in all profound rationale of my existence and walk the path he showed us his servants and because of that, I have understood what Death is all about. 

      There's this one huge beautiful deciduous tree in front of our house that often pulls my consciousness and as I gaze at it, questions arose. Why do leaves have to fall and blooms again after time if life in this world progresses and dies? I'm starting to scrutinize my curiosity and I contemplated, I realize that everything made by an Intelligent creator has its own complex profundity, and by deep observations, we will be able to discern its wonderful relevance in our lives as human beings. 

    We were born and undergone infantility, are fed, and still eats to survive, trees are sowed and receiveth water, it grows and matures until it sprouts its leaves and flowers, everyone who sees will witness its magnificence and soon, will serve its own individual purpose; to provide clean air to breathe, to bear fruit or be the locus of peace and love that heals and console every sorrowful solitary hearts. As you go forth, the season will incrementally change, leaves of your days drieth and starts to fall one by one, for each leaf detached from its twig, memories descends with it, ye will cherish more your remaining dusks and dawns, you will realize that spring is just as important as fall. You held every leaf tightly, but still, it slips through your hand and there's nothing you can do to prevent it from falling, there are few leaves left in your branches but you noticed that most of it already fell, your world became dark and blue. You saw a bare tree nearby, all of his days are shed, his branches are old, you talked to him and he told you, "It is appointed for a tree to be leafless, you let yourself be rendered for the benefit of those who needs you, don't worry, there will be another spring for us... you and I are under the same sower as well as other trees in this field."   


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