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Self-Extrication from Thorns of Dreadful Past

Written By: Miguel Genavia 

    An American social reformist and leader in the abolitionist movement Frederick Douglas once said, "If there's no struggle, there is no progress." People have distinctions in approach towards difficulties and hardships in life, one can be resilient and optimistic and the other cannot. We have our own story to tell, a life to share, yet some of us chose to bury all those stories in the crypt of our memory. If part of our history is adequate, it is something to bear in mind, on the other hand, if it was awful and unpleasant, many hold onto a nonsensical precept that the past is past, forget about it and move on, and I totally object this preconceived idea. I want you to see this from a clearer point of view and alter a senseless way of dealing with your woeful history that obstructs your willingness to develop the better person you want to be into a substantial system that may somehow ease your heavy burden and administer a remedy to painful lacerations inflicted by thorns of gloomy yesterday. 
     We fail at some point, have been incompetent and complacent about things that really matter to us, we have done horrible things out of impulse and juvenility and distresses brought by traumatic experiences from other people, every unpleasant thing that we have gone through, all these specters that continuously degrading your worth and existence, need not be forgotten to conquer, it became part of our self, it's not something that we can withdraw and dissolve from the archives of truth. Disturbing as it may seem, we need to accept the fact that it happened for us to unchained our incarcerated hearts from regrets and sorrows that drags us down no matter how hard we try to get back on our feet. For a man who wishes to change their wrongdoings, to fulfill their shortcomings, and mend their aching heart, it will require a huge amount of effort and endurance, most importantly, God's divine intervention. I strongly believe that he can provide solutions to our preoccupations that a finite being cannot understand, and I can personally attest to that, we need him in every moment of our lives, however, we still have to act upon it. What should we do? These intuitive propositions might help some of us to overcome a remorseful and mortifying reminiscence. 
     People who deny themselves won't be cured, they who admit and recognize their flaws and deficiencies will obtain liberty from rancors and self-pity. The more we excuse ourselves, the more weight we add to our shackles.
    Most suicidal thoughts and depressions came from unexpressed feelings and individuals constrained not to speak their minds. Talk to God who sees the eye of our hearts, who knows all our agonies and dilemmas; cast all your distresses to him and he will give you alleviation and peace of mind. However, you have to know first which god you should pray to if we really want to be heard from our pleas, not to the graven images, animals, celestial objects nor a man who died from gluttony that ended up eating a poisonous mushroom, but the "True God" which is in the Bible, for I have experienced myself his intervention when I asked with utmost sincerity.
    Ye should not constrict yourself from your feelings nor refrain from expressing so. All emotions must be acknowledged for us to gain control over it. If you're afraid, then be afraid, when you're sad and don't feel like talking at all, then don't, and if you want to cry, let yourself shed tears. Recognize all of these then drop it, the same way we should approach all thorns pierced in our flesh, the only way out is by facing and allowing oneself to explicitly discern our own phantoms and see these as blueprints or traces of the paths that we have walked onto which brings realization and lessons that will guide us to the right track we must go after; hence, these dreadful pasts may not be eradicated permanently from our account, yet, it will only be extricated from ourselves if acceptance, change, and repentance overpower remorse and self-resentment and I believe we are not capable of doing it on our own, we certainly need guidance from above. 
    Our previous years might have been unpleasant, but our struggles gave us an appreciation of the person we are now and a memoir to impart that might change someone's life. We should always remember that Pasts will always remain as important as Present and Future.


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