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Love that Retains in Unrequited Feelings

Written by: Miguel Genavia

    People love by their definition and understanding of how love is supposed to be. Individuals have their abstract idea or conception of what love means and how it manifests in their actions towards people. A man was born to feel and express love. It's inevitable and beyond doubt, even the most wicked, sinful, undervalued person in the world once felt what it's like. We all know that there's someone exclusive for that kind of love, exceptional, to whom we give our utmost affection and sentiment, the presence of contiguity where connection to that person was significant. We have our own free will to choose whom we want to be in harmony with, but what if that person does not want to consolidate with us and set one's heart to somebody else? What will you do? Listen to what your unseen heart is telling you right now, assess yourself, can someone's true love be replaced with another one's if that person doesn't feel the same way for you? Let me give an insight into my subjective elucidations of "One True Love."

    I'm not living this life beyond my means, I learned to expect less of things outside the range of possibility. My economic footing restricts my pursuit of interests and reality shows how your social position or status determines what will be your relationship with people and what treatment you deserve, but there's love, the only thing that makes us valuable and acceptable in someone's heart despite an absurd societal customs and demands that clouds our basis of admiration.

    We're so in love, sometimes we fail to subjugate our emotions and we start assuming exaggeratedly. Our heart is deceiving and full of conjectures, we tend to make a false assumption of what they feel for us and ended up hurting ourselves, we are not invalidating anybody's feelings, that's why we have minds, specifically, our limbic system which is responsible for our emotional response, we just have to recognize what stimulates our presumptions and think thoroughly before jumping to conclusions. We should always remember, whatever state of affairs, there are uncontrollable things that we cannot comprehend and failures that are part of our life and existence. We want to promulgate optimism and inject hopefulness into people but never refuse to acknowledge that the person we love right now may not reciprocate the feelings that we have for them. 

    To simplify these connotations, love requires profound sacrifices internally and externally, even to the point where you already reach the sharp end of your quest which is giving up, not with your feelings but the idea of capturing one's heart and the thought of sharing each other's remaining moments until the ascendance of the shadow of the day; where the most heart-rending thing you can only do is to stare at that person far away from space and time and reminisce every piece of those wonderful recollections carved deeply into your mind and soul. True Love is irreplaceable and unconditional even in the most unfavorable circumstances and if this life didn't give us the chance to tie the knot with someone we think the world of, we can still love them by heart and mind along with the memories and the reason why we fell in love at the first place; Lastly, recognize your self-worth, you shouldn't be contingent to anyone or any material possessions to be merry. We may be unfortunate in love, or rather in the state of our living, but if we have God and seek his kingdom first, he can provide us the happiness more than anything this temporary world can offer [Matthew 6.33]. 


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