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Showing posts from July, 2021

Self-Extrication from Thorns of Dreadful Past

Written By : Miguel Genavia      An American social reformist and leader in the abolitionist movement Frederick Douglas once said, "If there's no struggle, there is no progress." People have distinctions in approach towards difficulties and hardships in life, one can be resilient and optimistic and the other cannot. We have our own story to tell, a life to share, yet some of us chose to bury all those stories in the crypt of our memory. If part of our history is adequate, it is something to bear in mind, on the other hand, if it was awful and unpleasant, many hold onto a nonsensical precept that the  past is past, forget about it and move on , and I totally object this preconceived idea. I want you to see this from a clearer point of view and alter a senseless way of dealing with your woeful history that obstructs your willingness to develop the better person you want to be into a substantial system that may somehow ease your heavy burden and administer a remedy to painf